
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Trip to El Chorro

In the morning we went to school as usual at 8:3O, we sat on the benches beside the front door, there we talked until the teacher came and told us t we were going to the bus. At 9 o'clock we went on the bus. Everybody chatted with no end, others listened to music and others took photos. It was a long journey ,about an hour.

When we got to “El Chorro” we saw enormous reservoir and trees. It was like if there was many beaches but instead of sand there was mud and rocks. At 10:15 we went of the bus and the teachers gave us an explanation about what we were going to see and do. After ten minutes we Began to walk, we went through a path and we got to an old weir where we recieved a good explanation. Beside the weir there was a tYpe of chair made of stone where the King of Spain sat.
At 11:05 we started our journey through the forest, we went through a huge cage of 25 m long. On our journey through the forest we saw lots of types of animals, trees and plants. We walked for more than 3 hours. We went along a byway to a place called “El caminito del rey” but it was very old and weak.

At 13:00 we got to the shop where people bought sweets and crisps and talked for a long while.
At 14:30 we went to the small “beach” where we swam about two hours and people took photos and ate food. At 17: 00 we went to another dam where we got small boats that we could drive an dive into the water, after that we changed clothes and waited for the bus .While we were talking each other. It was a long journey back and we were very tired.

Trip to "El Chorro"

On Monday 7th of May we hiked to "El Chorro".
At half past nine we took the bus, and arrived there at eleven to twenty. We started walking and went into a cave that wasn't very long. We continue walking and arrived at a power plant called "La Sevillana". We walked down the road and saw part of “El caminito del rey”. We went up the road and came to a viewpoint. From the viewpoint we saw the two dams. When we came back down, we swam in the reservoir and ate. At half past four we went for the hydro pedals, and then we took them at quarter past five. We spent an hour on the hydro pedals. At half past six we took the bus back to school, and we arrived there at eight to twenty.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Huelga de educación - 22 de Mayo

·         Como ciudadanas ciudadanos reivindicamos el decisivo papel que la Educación Pública ha tenido en la construcción de la España que disfrutamos hoy: democrática, plural y moderna. Personas crecidas y formadas en los colegios, institutos y universidades públicos desplegamos hoy nuestra actividad profesional en los más diversos ámbitos –científico, económico, cultural, social- tanto dentro como fuera de España. No olvidamos de dónde venimos.
·         Como exalumnas exalumnos de la Educación Pública, la defendemos como un patrimonio nacional irrenunciable, construido con el enorme esfuerzo y dedicación de las generaciones anteriores que entendieron que la educación pública no es la de unos pocos, sino el espejo de toda una sociedad.
·         Como madres padres reclamamos para nuestras hijas e hijos centros educativos públicos de calidad, en los que todos puedan ser escolarizados en las mejores condiciones cualquiera que sea su punto de partida, donde el más vulnerable de nuestros hijos reciba el mismo apoyo y la misma dedicación que aquel a quien el azar haya proporcionado mayores ventajas.
·         Como maestras y maestros, como profesorado de las diferentes etapas del sistema educativo, defendemos la Educación Pública como un derecho fundamental del ser humano. Ella es la garantía de una sociedad libre, igualitaria y cohesionada, y no podemos consentir que criterios de rentabilidad económica o adoctrinamiento de cualquier signo amenacen estos pilares esenciales de la vida en democracia.
·         Como alumnas alumnos de la Educación Pública reivindicamos un espacio común en el que con independencia de nuestra procedencia cultural y geográfica, nuestras creencias, etc. podamos tener las mismas condiciones de acceso al saber, al aprendizaje científico, cultural y artístico, y en el que podamos educarnos como ciudadanos de un mundo plural y mestizo como ha de ser inevitablemente el nuestro del que seremos, también, responsables.